Ripening Wisdom in the Age of Hysteria

Mar 4, 2024

Ripening Wisdom in the Age of Hysteria

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are in the Information Age, and it seems exponential weirdness is upon us.

Of course, those of us who have imbibed sacraments from the tree of knowledge—life and death—know a thing or two about embracing the rising tide of weirdness and surfing the currents towards satisfying novelty.

However, I think everyone reading here can agree that we are in uncharted territory. At least when the going gets weird within, you have the plausible storyline that you are, after all, an eccentric badass consciously ingesting compounds to elucidate the mysteries…

It is a whole other matter when the high weirdness gets baked into the fabric of sociological reality, and your AI assistant wants to optimize your music playlist, grocery shopping, and be your sex robot too. #Alexa…Does that cost extra? #ItsGettingWeirder!

The thing is… This has never happened before… And as Stanford professor Scott Sagan wisely mused, “Things that have never happened before happen all the time.”

So, embracing the big surprise of it all may be an evolutionary adaptation. Because, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

So, a big Yes to the Big Surprise might be the secret sauce we all need to keep hip to the actual currents of what’s continuing to come.

Or, to pivot to an even more timeless wisdom to hit the point home, William Blake style, ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.“

That’s right… Infinite.

And the real question is… If you are indeed playing an infinite game in a timeless sea… Why buy into the hysteria?

Can’t you just appreciate and savor the wild mystery for a while, and trust it?

These kinds of perceptions have a psychoactive quality that Albert Einstein nailed when he said, “The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”

So, my intention here is to affirm the new shapes and sizes, to build confidence around the contours of unique brilliance building in each of your lives. Don’t interrupt the flow with the latest hot-take, incentivized attention capture.

Let the Wisdom ripen, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Or, in other words… Double down on your inner work, your true psychonautics… Make your art and, perhaps most importantly… make sure that you show up to leave us a trail and clue so we can benefit too.

Yours Truly,



P.S. Check out this awesome conversation I had about Visionary Cartography ( It breaks down the next level of evolutionary guidework and how I’m helping visionary leaders live in the heart of their gifts.