Thai Spicy and Secret Orders

Mar 4, 2024

Dear Visionary Cartographers,

What a wild time we’re living in!

It seems that classic “hot takes” on society and culture have increasingly become so spicy they’re almost unpalatable.

I’m thinking of Thai restaurants, where the curious glance and giggle accompanying the question of whether you want your food “Thai spicy” or not is all too familiar.

It’s fair to say, whether we like it or not, that in the broad brushstrokes of our collective zeitgeist, we are indeed in “Thai spicy” times.

There appear to be mythical creatures among us, novel adventure seekers who embrace the excitatory impulse and revel in the tantalizing anticipation as their salivary glands excrete joy.

“More spice please!”… I find it hard to believe.

At times, and in certain contexts, I admit I am like that… and many of you may fit this description at times too.

Such is the spice of life. We all got our spicy cravings, don’t we?

However, I must be honest in reporting that a growing number of people I engage in deep dialogues with are feeling that enough is enough with the whole “spicier thing”.

Basically, it’s time to find a new restaurant altogether. The “spice lord chefs” are out of control, and we need something more soothing and cooling ASAP to provide our overstimulated nervous systems and upset stomachs with proper psycho-spiritual-emotional nutrition.

The more heavily meditated I become, the more I find myself drawn to this mythical restaurant that prioritizes depth of flavor over 1-dimensional intense stimulus and welcomes those mythical creatures seeking deeper channels to come out and play.

Opening early before sunrise, staying open late when the real depth emerges… Serving up medicine in all its vivid colors, and elucidating on the great arts of time well spent.

In this spirit, I want to pivot us to an ongoing depth psychology study of “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”

After my third time re-watching the series in its entirety, I’m convinced it’s some of the greatest storytelling of all time. Seriously, it has that Joseph Campbell-esque, mythopoetic mojo that is of the essence of the truly legendary.

So, let us wax poetic into the Jasmine Dragon Tea Temple within the majestic Earth Kingdom and delve into cryptic musings about the Secret Order of the White Lotus.

Like many great mystics who have spent years in the “deep school” of badass esoteric orders (#UncleIroh), there’s a deep fascination with the “cryptic arts” to presence here.

Thus… I will try to succinctly capture the essence of our discourse,

Evoking the vivid imagery that points the way.

Enter the Occult esoteric – The Secret Order of the White Lotus:

Concise and discreet, yet lucid and noble in expression.

Playing the great infinite games of time and culture,

Engaged in the daily joys and sorrows,

Challenges and satisfactions,

Yet ever tempered by the insightful wisdom that reveals deeper, hidden harmonies of life.

Curiously and keenly mindful of dark forces that weave tragic spells in pursuit of corrupted power…

The all to overt and painfully obvious yet mesmerizing sickness that is never satisfied.

and Thus…

Constantly honing the discipline required for noble crafts,
The creativity-radiant aliveness at the heart of authentic dharma…

Balancing and world-bridging,

To exemplify and share,

Sacred Gifts.

Initiating us deeper—in ancient orders…

Ever Tending the fires of great mysteries…

Aging us like the finest wines, teas and precious treasures… Where true value is…

Where true value is.

All of these pithy musings observe a Pan-Cultural Psychism.

A way of being by which cultural heritages are honored, even exalted… yet transcended, to serve a greater orchestration of the life impulse… To bring balance and beautiful order to forces that threaten harmful chaos.

In Real Esoteric Orders… Refugee is taken in the merit of realization, truth, goodness and beauty itself… respect and honor is offered to all those who virtuously strive to embody, hold and transmit this great way of being.

Which I think is a refreshing contrast to the inflamed and shallow, overstimulated and over saturated ego centrism of our time…!

So there you have it.

Perhaps that mystic thread weaves through your deeper dreams, aspirations and altruistic projects?

Perhaps that longing of sacred – initiated community and mystical arts connection activates a deeper life pulse instinct?

Perhaps these kind of stories, can be common place is the restaurants of the truly nourishing?

What if cold-hearted cynicism, and materialist reductionism thought spicier and spicier was its salvation…? So mistaken and mislead… Who will serve the healing botanical tea that reminds with compassionate wisdom…

There is a better way,

What if there are ancient – esoteric orders … And the more you embrace your dreams… The more lucidly – vividly they appear?
Yours truly,